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 Art House


       We are a 'small luxuries' suite with beauty all around us.

We have art on the walls and nature’s art framed through our windows. We are located in the beautiful Pacific Northwest right across from Victoria B.C. Just blocks from the Blackball Ferry, (which we watch out our window as it leaves and arrives several times a day) We are central to mountains, lakes, rivers, and an hour from the ocean, though the Straits are right out our window.

       Speaking of right out the window, we overlook downtown Port Angeles where restaurants, craft taverns and quaint second hand and antique shops wait for your perusal. We are within a block of 2 grocery stores as well as art galleries and a beautiful city pier. The Discovery Trail which wends its way through the Olympic Peninsula is a must experience. By the way, Port Angeles does have many wineries to discover with live music on premisise quite often. We also, being a bedroom community of Seattle, are happy to support your caffeine habit with the many coffee stands available throughout the city.

       We have lived in Port Angeles for 45 years and know where to go and what to see and better yet who to talk to so that you have the best experience possible. Just tell me what you are looking for experientially, I probably know someone to help make it happen. Or harness your adventurous spirit to discover the treasures for yourself! It is all here waiting for you.

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