I don't watch t.v. I barely spend time online that doesn't have to do with art, family or my businesses so the things that I do see happening present as a hard and fast contrast to my intellect. I am politically minded, don't get me wrong and I do my duty as I am bound to do as an American citizen. However, I don't jump up and down and march or 'sling shade' on anyone. I just vote.
The reason that I am bringing this to light is that I feel as if our country is melting. Not in the melting pot context but in the LSD kind of context, like when you look at the walls and they melt like brilliant colored plastic in a Lego factory. (Yes I tried it in my teen years. That is a whole other story.) I see blue and red politicians baited against each other. Reporters against the government, the Black Lives Matter group against the March Back the Blue in Blexit. Vaccers and anti-Vaccers, Covid-19 and masks vs anti-maskers. Hoax vs Reality. Open the economy vs keep it locked down, travel, no travel, federal power vs state power etc. and the list goes on. So many issues.
This pandemic has spun all of our lives into some form of chaos. Some of us will be affected more than others of course, but all will be touched by this change. But here is the good news; CHANGE is one of the things that makes a human being THRIVE.
We thrive with change! Scientifically proven, 'change' is something that sparks the brain in a human being which causes us, believe it or not, to feel happier! Now I know all of the change right now doesn't feel great, but hear me out. Change is the thing that wakes our spirit. We cognitively awake when the mundane disappears. It sparks new ideas, puts our best selves to work on solving, understanding and conquering the new situation and information that we are receiving into the organic computers which we call our brains. Now I would not wish a pandemic on anyone, that is not what I am saying. What I am saying is look around. We are already here, like it or not. See the opportunities for change which will benefit you and your fellow humans. Maybe we start with our foundation. Change ourselves. Focus on strength of self, body, relationship skills, communication etc. There are tons of online classes which are great resources for this. This time can be epic in moving us all forward if we approach it as a time to become strong, whole. And as this pandemic ends we will emerge from our reconstituted chrysalis with fresh wings! A stronger nation, citizens, communities, neighbors, families and selves. Get busy!
Do you all know about Coursera? It has free online classes from everywhere about pretty much anything you want to learn about. Check out the link below. I get no kick back from this, I just love that it is free knowledge. Free growth for growth's sake. It is only one place to start. There are many many more out there.
Until next time,
We are Incorruptibly yours,
Crickett and Johnny